Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Gift that Keeps on Giving, and Giving and Giving

Tis is the season of giving, right?  So, as you plan to head out into the mosh pit of shoppers, let’s ponder something profound…what are we really doing?

Aside from the fact that CHRIST-mas is now considered a dirty word, have all of the distractions of tradition taken the wind out of what we are really supposed to be about during this time?  Hoadish getting and misguided giving has replaced giving with a purpose in many aspects of our society.

Are the gifts we give those loved ones and acquaintances really something that can make a lasting impact?  Does a new game system, regardless how Wii-under-ful or PS-itively amazing it might be, really offer anything of substance?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Unemployed, Underemployed, Have Faith?

Hallelujah, Thank the Lawd!

It has been eight months that I have been back to work, after being out of work for nearly as long – eight months.

I am grateful, and dare I say even more so now, to be among the working.  I still have friends that either remain unemployed or underemployed after months and some more than a year.