Sunday, April 25, 2010

Your life with momentum: Look maw, no hands!

Do you remember rolling down a hill as a kid?  First, you pushed off and then all of the sudden, you were rolling like a ball. There was a part of that that felt great.  Out of control, dizzy, unsure, but moving nonetheless.  It’s the snowball effect…all you need is a little push, and you will become an unstoppable force.  This book is that push, that starting point toward the unstoppable.  Begin now to think about that person you want to become – point your thoughts and prayers in that direction, then the primed pump will kick in and start to flow.

In all the world, there is no greater feeling than that of knowing your purpose here on the earth.  Knowing one’s place is a great thing.  Many a man and woman have lived and died, never tapping into what they were put on earth to do.  Don’t be that person…become the champion – become who you were intended to be.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Plastic Surgery: Who is that in the mirror and in my skin?

Many people are never satisfied with themselves or their lives - their past or where they are headed in the future.  And, the way they feel about how they look…forget about it.  There is an entire discipline in the medical field designed to help people feel better about who they are (at least how they look).  A little more of this, a little less of that, a nip here, a tuck there - where does it all end?  Are we all placing too much value on appearance and not enough on true substance?

I posted a survey here last month asking people their opinions on plastic surgery and the idea of getting “work” done.  People ran across the entire range, there was not clear consensus.  As a thoroughly unscientific analysis, it seemed people at least consider doing something about how they look and would change something if they could afford it and didn’t feel like they wouldn’t end up looking odd.

Research by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery shows that in 2006, nearly 11.5 million Americans had some sort of surgical or nonsurgical “adjustments” made to their appearance. To show how drastically this trend has grown, since 1997, there has been a 446-percent increase in the number of cosmetic procedures performed.  Maybe you’re one of those 11.5 million people.  If you are, don’t beat yourself up.  I only bring this up as a point to demonstrate the degree if dissatisfaction people have with some aspect of who they are.

The beginning of real satisfaction in life begins with knowing who you are.  If you don’t have a sense of that, you are starting off in the hole.  The journey to where you want to be is an inside job. 

Proverbs 23:7 puts it very clearly, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Another anonymous writer puts it this way when thinking about how we think about ourselves, “Love yourself, for if you don't, how can you expect anybody else to love you.”

Part two of the impromptu poll, is it okay to try to improve God’s handiwork with your appearance?  What do you think?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rut is wrong with you?

So, how automatic has your life become?  When you think about what you are doing now and where you thought you would be in your life by now, are you there?

We sometimes get stuck in our lives in a place of tyrannical sameness.  We get up, follow the same patterns (good or bad) day after day and become comfortable with the way things are.  We get stuck in a rut.

What is a rut anyway?

Definition: rut (rut), noun
1.    a fixed, routine course of action, thought, etc., esp. one regarded as monotonous