Saturday, May 29, 2010

No right to complain

News alert!!!

Regardless of what is going on in your life right now, it ain’t that bad.  I saw this video this week after a twitter friend @JackieRNR posted it on her feed.  We all love to complain about what is or is not going on in our lives.  What we have or don't have, what we wish we could do, etc.  

To put it all into perspective, take a look at the video by clicking on the link below, ponder and give me your thoughts.

We have absolutely nothing to complain about - I mean, really.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life and work: The ultimate balancing act

We all ponder the age-old balancing act between our work life and what I would call, our life that matters. 

There is no perfect balance, regardless of what anyone may tell you.  In the end, you are the only one that will know your appropriate balance after some honest introspection.  What is the key then to weighting that scale in a direction that keeps you from going tilt?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A legend for what we do or who we are?

Beloved, cherished, loved and admired.

When we use words to try to describe someone that is truly special or has had a phenomenal impact on our lives, sometimes words just don’t cut it.

Is a legend a legend only because of what they do or because of who they are at their core?

This week, a man I would consider a legend in the truest sense of the word passed away after a long battle with cancer.  Ernie Harwell was known best for his work as an announcer for the Detroit Tigers baseball team and his boundless energy.  But, the one trait for me that takes him to an even higher status is that he was a man of faith that, by all appearances, was not only a Christian in name only, but in practice as well.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Looking for the good in your wife?…Keep digging!

My wife wrote a blog recently that I really thought contained some good stuff.  In it, she talked about the concept of a husband making up his mind, committing himself and cleaving to his mate.  The blog is titled, Leave and Cleave or Just Leave? What’s a Brotha to do?,” and despite my built in bias, I highly recommend it.

One of the main points centers on men and their decisions concerning how they treat their wives.  In Genesis 2:24, the Word encourages, actually commands, the husband to cleave to his beloved.  In reading that though, I have never seen anything in there that talks about leaving her for another, younger model because of boredom with the original.