Are we living in summer madness or summer gladness?
Remember those days when you were young and you got out of school for the summer? Everything was geared toward getting to that magical last day of school and the relief that came for the break you had been waiting for for so long.
Little did we all know that once we were all grow-d up, there was no automatic “break” from the monotony? As gown ups, we get stuck in the process of life and the time just seems to slip away without warning. Instead of living for the summer break, we start living for the weekend. Those precious, little breaks from the norm we all look forward to.
We can all do ourselves a favor by being glad for what we have and enjoy life. We can look forward to the parts of our life in the middle, not just the fringe little breaks.
I read a survey recently on the happiest nations on the planet. The question seemed simple enough, “"Taking all things together, would you say you are: very happy, quite happy, not very happy, or not at all happy?" the United States ranked 13th on the list. Of course, we all ask, where in the world could be mo happier than the good ole US of A, right? It seems the survey found people in Iceland consider themselves the most happy, followed by Sweden and Denmark.
I would argue that the degree of happiness is more a product of where we are mentally as opposed to where we receive our mail and call our home. As I always do, I encourage us all to enjoy the journey, be glad, grateful and full of as much joy as you can muster.