It is so much easier to just sit back and "go with the flow," instead of standing up for something, having a real impact or making that significant change in our lives that we all would love to make.
The power to make any significant and lasting change in our lives is a result of the decisions we make and the corresponding actions we take. What we all need is a spark to initiate the decisions and create an environment in life where those lasting changes can take place.
Without a doubt, one of my favorite allegories in the world concerns David – the biblical king of Israel. If anyone has spent any time in Sunday school, or even read a little, you have probably heard about his exploits on the battlefield against the giant, Goliath. Many people know something about his proficient handling of a sling shot and three smooth stones. But, the reason I love the story is because of – as old time radio host Paul Harvey would say – the, “rest” of the story. Whether you consider yourself “religious” or not, there are similarities in the way David was prepared for and subsequently handled this seemingly insurmountable challenge, and what you can decide to tackle in your own life.
Though that thing you want to tackle may not be nine feet tall, literally, it may seem even larger in the big scheme of things. You may have convinced yourself that there is too much in your past to overcome. Maybe you are convinced you are simply a product of what you have been through. ABSOLUTELY NOT! You can learn all about yourself, without allowing yourself to be stopped by yourself. You can learn that every person – everyone, has things they have to overcome in their lives. Or, as I put it from time to time…”Everybody has issues…now what?” While the circumstances may differ slightly, the fact remains – you and your situation are not unlike what the estimated more than 6.5 billion of people on earth face each day.
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