Monday, March 29, 2010

How do you Spend your Dash?

We spend a lot of time in our lives striving.  Striving for money, clothes, status, cars, you name it.  Sometimes, it seems we are more concerned about the way we spend our cash, than how we spend our “Dash.”  Okay, so you ask, what the heck does that mean, right?

Well, the dash is that time between our day of birth and the time we transition out of this skin suit and die and ultimately go to meet our maker. We have all seen the obituaries and listings in the paper of people exclaiming when they were born and when the died.  But, what happened in the middle?  Did they make a difference with their “Dash?”

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spend the Currency of Your Focus Wisely

We expend energy every day on so many things.  The energy to begin our day, the energy to exercise, the energy to problem solve.  Where we focus our energy is equivalent to a currency we can spend in creative ways every day.  How are you spending your energy on a daily basis?
If we are not careful, we can find ourselves focusing on the wrong things and the wrong thought patterns.  If we are going to be spending our energy anyway, why not spend it in constructive ways.  Spend it focusing on the blessings you have received.  You may not think you have anything to be thankful for, but if you are breathing, you have something to be thankful for.
What do you think?  How can you spend your focus in more creative and productive ways?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have been accused of many things in my life, not all of them flattering.  But, recently, a number of people have accused me of being too positive.  Of all of the things I have been called, I have to say this is a first. My answer has two parts.  One, guilty as charged and second, thanks you.

I have come to believe, through many trials and much error that thinking right is worth the energy. When faced with the option of being eternally positive or hopelessly negative, choose positive.