We spend a lot of time in our lives striving. Striving for money, clothes, status, cars, you name it. Sometimes, it seems we are more concerned about the way we spend our cash, than how we spend our “Dash.” Okay, so you ask, what the heck does that mean, right?
Well, the dash is that time between our day of birth and the time we transition out of this skin suit and die and ultimately go to meet our maker. We have all seen the obituaries and listings in the paper of people exclaiming when they were born and when the died. But, what happened in the middle? Did they make a difference with their “Dash?”
That is really what it is all about, right? In the end, it is not going to matter how many hours you put in at work, it isn’t going to matter how many great presentations you made to the board of directors, what is going to matter is how many people your life touched – where did you make a difference and how.
I love when you here about someone passing on and you find out there are people from every strata and every station of life that come and have story after story of how that person impacted them. There are people reminiscing about how their lives were changed by something this person said. There are people pledging to do more with their own lives. There are even those that feel challenged to step up and do more because of the impact the person had.
What matters most is how we live, laugh, contribute and love, not how we spend, worry and work.
The “Dash” is something we spend every day. It is a currency that will eventually run out. In the end, who do we want to be, who do we want to impact, how can we make a difference with the “Dash” we have been given.
Take a challenge today to make an adjustment in your life and make your “Dash” count.
Well said brother. We must try to live each day as if it's our last because one day we'll be right.